Monday, January 28, 2019

The Steps Required to Enjoy a Nice Album

If you can sit down in a chair and listen to a 45-75 minute long album and do nothing else, you are no good in my opinion. I'm pretty sure that's one of the signs of being a sociopath. Anyways, you're going to want to set up for a good album listening. For myself, I usually just listen to one while I'm taking a walk or doing some other mindless task, and that's just no good, so I need to fix my terrible habits. Listening to music while walking around is only good for things you are familiar with, not with things you wish to experience. Here's a quick guide to fixing yourself (and myself) and get the most out of your listening experience.

1. You're going to want to find a nice comfortable place. As I said earlier, don't sit in a chair. There are many better places to choose from: The floor, your bed, the top shelf of a high bookcase. A personal favorite of mine is the corner of my room. It's right next to the door, so if it opens I will be smacked in the face with it. You get some pillows, a blanket, and the fan. Turn the fan on the lowest setting, cover yourself with the blanket, and now you have a fun little tent that you can lie down in or whatever. Be creative with your area.

2. Get something to fiddle with. I don't care what. A rubik's cube, a pocket knife, a couple strands of hair. Whatever you want. You will get bored while listening to the album, or at least your hands will, so keep your hands active by fiddling with something, or you may end up pulling up the carpet in your room, which is no good.

3. This is the final step, and it is the most important. Listen to something good. I don't care what you count as good, as long as it is good music in your mind, I'm happy. Don't listen to things you don't want to. I once tried listening to something I knew I wouldn't like, my disappoint was immeasurable and my day was ruined. The album was something that is generally seen as good, and I was allowing myself to fall for it. The album was Pink Floyd's The Dark Side of the Moon. I didn't enjoy it. On the other hand, if I were to listen to a nice fun time album that I actually enjoy or know that I will enjoy, such as a Pogo, Korn, or ABBA record would all be preferable to me, even though they are all vastly different. Listen to what you want to, and don't let other people tell you that you have to like something just because they do.

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